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About Us


Since 1967, the Sullivan County Conservation Club has been actively promoting the conservation of wildlife through habitat improvement programs, including fish stocking, stream and roadside cleanups, reintroducing game animals such as pheasants to areas of the County where they are scarce, cutting browse for deer to survive on during the winter months, and by hosting NYS DEC Hunter and Bowhunter Education courses.  

We take an active part in youth education and safety programs, and look forward to helping to conserve the natural resources of our area for future generations to enjoy. 

By becoming a member, you can actively participate in these and many other activities, fund raisers and events all designed to help conserve Sullivan County’s wilderness and rural habitat.  We also offer rifle and pistol range use for full members, and a Clubhouse on 33 acres in Bethel, NY.  Membership meetings are 7:30pm on the second Thursday of every month.

Interested in finding out how
to become a member?




Vice President:


Assistant Treasurer:


Assistant Secretary: 




John Van Etten

John Kelly

Vanessa Jones

Michael Carpinone

Jay Mendels

Peggy Edwards

Vinny LoCascio

Charlie Greenhouse

Stephen Rohaly

Nicholas Carlini

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